
  • Penetration Testing

    A targeted attack against a single service or application. The goal of a Penetration Test is to uncover as many vulnerabilities as possible in a limited time frame.

  • Red Team

    Adversary for hire. We'll emulate rogue employees, opportunistic hackers, or advanced nation-state level threat actors. Every Red Team engagement plan will be customized your specific business needs.

  • Application Security Review

    Concerned about a new service or software your company is adopting? We'll review your source code and CI/CD pipelines for vulnerabilities that could put your customers at risk.

  • Security Control Validation

    Recovering from a recent security incident? Red Tenet will review the aftermath of your incident and provide improvements.

  • Security Gameday

    We'll run your security team through a range of exercises to identify gaps in your incident response procedures.

  • Custom Solutions

    Every organization is different. We'll work with you to create a custom solution that's tailor made for the needs of your company.